Ausstellung Räde (N) 27.07.2024

Bikkjehaugens Aalright Jr.

Katalognr: 175
Bewertung: SG1
Klasse: Offene
Richter: Helin Tenson (SF)
Bericht: corr size, strong, corr head, a bit light eyes, strong neck, a bit sloop topline, corr head, forechest should be deeper, ok rib, well angul front, overagul rear, moving well in front, well heavy in behind,too groomed head, neck and underline, exl temp

Bikkjehaugens Run Forest Run

Katalognr: 176
Bewertung: V1
Klasse: Champion
Richter: Helin Tenson (SF)
Anwartschaft: CK, 1.BHK, BOS
Bericht: strong mask male, with corr bodyshape, corr head, nice strong muzzle, corr ears, exl topline and tailset, corr forechest, exl ribcage, well bal angul, clipped a bit too much in head, neck and undelrine, lovely temp, exl presented

King of Helluland Can´t Stop

Katalognr: 177
Bewertung: V2
Klasse: Champion
Richter: Helin Tenson (SF)
Bericht: strong male, who is a bit long in body, corr head, a bit open eyelids, nice strong neck, a bit long in loin, corr tailset, strong forechest and ribcage, well bal angul, clipped a bit too much, corr coat text, moving well, lovel temp and exl temp

Bikkjehaugens Astrid

Katalognr: 178
Bewertung: V1
Klasse: Jugend
Richter: Helin Tenson (SF)
Anwartschaft: CK, CERT, 2.BTK
Bericht: lovely bitch with best outline, lovely head with sweet expres, nice outline, well set and carr tail, very well devel forechest and ribcage, very well bal angul both rear and front,very well movement, exl temp

Bikkjehaugens Örje

Katalognr: 179
Bewertung: V1
Klasse: Offene
Richter: Helin Tenson (SF)
Bericht: strong female with corr head, strong neck, exl topline and tailset, very well devel body, corr angul in front, a bit overagul behind, moving very well in front, a bit close behind, corr coat, exl temp

Bikkjehaugens Xena

Katalognr: 180
Bewertung: V1
Klasse: Champion
Richter: Helin Tenson (SF)
Anwartschaft: CK, 3.BTK
Bericht: corr size, strong, very balanced, beat head, corr ears, exkl topline, well set and carr tail, exl forchest and ribcage, well angul front and behind, moves well, overclipped neck and underline, but coat is corr text, moves wery well, exl temp

Bikkjehaugens Lykketroll

Katalognr: 181
Bewertung: V2
Klasse: Veteranen
Richter: Helin Tenson (SF)
Bericht: corr size, strong well balanced, 8,5 years old, well balanced head, strong neck, a bit soft topline, corr tail, exl forelegs, and rib, well angul corr coat, mov well for age, lovely temp and xkl pres

Bikkjehaugens Gunnhild

Katalognr: 182
Bewertung: V1
Klasse: Veteranen
Richter: Helin Tenson (SF)
Anwartschaft: CK, 1.BTK, BOB
Bericht: 9,5 years old veteran with exl body cond, beat head, ex topline, tailset, forchest and ribcage and agul, beatf coat, exl mover for age, lovel temp very well presented